Exhibition Setup: Day 1

Here we are setting up the space. We worked until 1am on this day, it was crazy! We were all zomberish when we got home......Grrrrrrrr. Nicho's mum helped us paint the walls. It was very lovely of her. Look how speedy pants we were finishing up the yellow! But the details are the killer.


Anonymous said...

whhaaaat u sent it today?? EEEEE!

but i havent finished paying you! argh!

i am dying of excitement here... yayayayyayay!

i love my candy and nicho.

and yes the stool, it is beautiful... oh i love it. i dont mind that we have no couch when we have a lovely stool hehe.

Anonymous said...

ahhh i want trees on my walls.

candy candy candy... i cant let you gooooooooooooooo